6 Eerie Paranormal Videos Unexplained by Science

YouTube is a fathomless abyss of all sorts of paranormal video, ghost footage and creepy, unexplained photos and clips. Most of these are frustratingly fake and can quite easily be attributed to human talent and boredom. Some, however, are a little too strange for comfort…

Here are six totally freaky, super strange and unexplained paranormal videos.

Paranormal Video 1: Caught on Film – Levitating Girl in Russian Forest

A dude talking his dog for a walk in the forest stumbles upon a most mysterious scene of a young girl suspended in thin air. When her and her friend hear him coming, she quickly comes back down from her levitation and they both make a run for it. Hmmm…

Video Source: Uploaded by Paranormal Videos | Latest Ghost Videos on YouTube channel http://youtu.be/OGABYPO1gTc

Paranormal Video 2: Headless Ghost

While exploring an abandoned school, a group of youngsters film an apparition that materialises out of thin air and walks purposefully towards them, letting rip a howling moan as it does (around the 2 minute mark). Why the investigators don’t void their bowels before running and screaming like little girls from the room is a bigger mystery than the ghost itself.

Video Source: Uploaded by Creepy Pasta Vids Coming on YouTube channel http://youtu.be/0xzpqJfTYRM

Paranormal Video 3: Unknown Winged Creature Caught on Camera

Watch this security footage from Cilandak Square in Jakarta, Indonesia, to see a strange light bolt down to Earth and then take off again. The light anomaly is clearly the shape of a winged creature and while your brain tells you “Naaaah, there’s no way this could be real…” the people who created the video certainly did a meticulously good job of making it realistic! Notice the fine details in the reflection of light off the various surfaces around the parking lot.

Video Source: Uploaded by nightghosthouse on YouTube channel http://youtu.be/oDubUuplR5g

Paranormal Video 4: Possible Fallen Angel in Catalonia (Subtitled)

Disregard the title, because even when the scary creature is revealed, there isn’t anything “angel-like” about it, although it doesn’t look human at all. Those white feathers on the ground could belong to virtually any white bird. Nevertheless, this paranormal video is worth a gander.

Video Source: Uploaded by Pascuali on YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AveJSRL8KgQ

Paranormal Video 5: Ghost Hangs Around Disneyland

A security guard shakily films a whitish apparition of a walking spook meandering through the park at night. The ghost of Walt Disney perhaps?

Video Source: Uploaded by ghostatdisneyland on YouTube channel www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnjibWcbV2o

Paranormal Video 6: Real Demons Caught on Tape

Okay, so this paranormal video is obviously the work of a very talented CGI student, but God DAMN it’s good! What’s funny and somewhat disturbing is how some of the commenters assume an authority on the matter of the paranormal, saying “demons can’t manifest like that” and “Those are hands of the torchered, desperately reaching, trying to get you to pull them out of there. But don’t fall for it. They will drag you in, so that you can burn together with them.”



Video Source: Uploaded by chestertyler714 on YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEVfREVGcaY

With enough ingenuity, access to photoshop and CGI software and the co-operation of your friends, it would be possible for anyone to create an unexplained phenomenon and “catch it on tape.” Ultimately, however, there’s no way these videos can be strictly verified or discredited, which is why they are so interesting to watch.


6 responses to “6 Eerie Paranormal Videos Unexplained by Science”

  1. Reblogged this on Kerberos616.


  2. the first one was definitely the scariest


  3. These were really neat! Thank you for posting.


  4. Love those vids! It’s amazing what DOES get caught on camera these days (by construction or otherwise…). Here in NZ people reported seeing spectral lights in Christchurch, just before the 2010 Mw 7.1 earthquake. Some viewed it as a kind of ghostly premonition of disaster and naturally that idea was pooh-poohed. Then some of the lights were caught on a traffic camera. That prompted further investigation and it turns out they were real – a product of piezoelectric effects driven by the increasing pressure in the fault lines as the tensions built up to the rupture point. Oogie boogie woo? Nah. Just science.


    1. Fascinating! I’m going to have to look into this “piezoelectric effect”. I smell another blog topic coming…

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