What's Your Star Sign?

In celebration of our latest blog on the non-science that is astrology (Astrology Owes You An Apology)…

funny astrology picture

And my absolute worst…

funny astrology

11 responses to “What's Your Star Sign?”

  1. Somebody once asked me my sign, and I told them “no right turn”.


    1. Hahahaha! That’s hilarious! I’ll try that next time.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I knew someone who subbed a daily ‘Your Stars’ column in the local paper. It involved shuffling the copy randomly to fit the space and cutting anything that still didn’t fit. No loss of accuracy…


  3. Haha! Guess we uncovered the true me!


  4. “Moody jerk” is not entirely inaccurate. But neither would Taurus or Libra be.


  5. Oh dear, I’m a flaky derelict … c’est la vie! 😀


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